Friday, January 4, 2013

Roll Your Smoke and Celebrate! Marijuana is High Talk

As the New Year begins, 2012 ended with great victories for states such as Colorado and Washington who's citizens voted to allow adults to legally posses an ounce or less of marijuana.  Today 18 states allow medical marijuana including Washington D.C. Main stream media is beginning to broadcast  medical marijuana miracle stories. Here in our home state several local media news stations and newspapers have published stories related to marijuana legalization.  The Gallop poll, as well as, all other polls conducted at most schools, news stations, and private organizations are finding that Americans want marijuana legalized. People are waking up and realizing it is not the evil drug once lied to us by the government. It is a useful medicine and plant that can produce billions of dollars in revenue not just in marijuana cultivation but hemp cultivation while replenishing the earth and creating jobs.

And we all need jobs, and we all need to feel comfortable and pain free in our own home without the being labeled as a criminal by the law and society. It makes watching clips like the ones below more enjoyable. Take a Texas toke for this San Antonio stoner - peace

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